Romano Carved Stone – Supply And Installation
Romano Carved Stone
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Romano Carved Stone
Use cases: Architecture, Building, Commercial, Dry Stack, Landscape architecture, Landscape Design, Landscaping, Rock Wall, Stack Stone, Stackstone, Stone Cladding, Stone Walling, Fireplaces. Interior, Exterior.
Romano Carved Stone effectively transforms existing or new homes and is 100% Australian-made, environmentally friendly, and reduces heating and cooling costs by insulating walls and allowing natural breathability with reflective colours (unlike paint or acrylic finishes).
Additionally, it offers a lightweight alternative to natural stone.
Moreover, Romano Carved Stone creates stunning natural-looking Limestone, Bluestone, Sandstone, and Rammed Earth effects.
The key differences include:
– Fastidious attention to detail and creative genius
– A wide variety of imaginative designs, colours, and effects
– A low price tag
– Significant time savings with minimal disruption on-site, allowing other trades to continue working without interruption
In contrast to other stonework and generic cladding with dark colours that date homes quickly and reveal their era, Romano Carved Stone’s neutral colours complement any colour scheme. Therefore, craftsmanship remains timeless.
Furthermore, you can create special effects with combinations of stone inlays or three-dimensional designs. Our team who are brimming with imaginative ideas, discusses options with you, your designer, or architect to ensure your desired look. Consequently, maintenance becomes a thing of the past because Romano Carved Stone resists fading. Additionally, our unique colour-matching system solves graffiti problems.
Lastly, our team, true artists at heart, takes enormous pride and passion in creating masterpieces with Romano Carved Stone. We treat every project as unique, ensuring no two jobs are the same—unless required.
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